Humor y Teatro Off en Madrid


The so-called "off" theatre, has had a long journey and is currently enjoying good health, both in content and in the variety of scenic alternatives. Below we summarize by the proximity of areas with high density of theatrical offer.

Malasaña-Chueca, resurfaces with the Azarte and DT halls, after a splendid past with a multitude of alternatives. The very current multi-coloured contents have themes ranging from LGBT in the Azarte room to the contemporary dance of DT. The phenomenon known as 'micro-theatre', manifests itself in the Malasaña area, in places such as the Microteatro Por Dinero hall, in more avant-garde rooms like Espacio Labruc, Tú hall or Nuevo Norte Theatre with an interesting programming.

The greater offer of the theatre off in Madrid is in the area of Lavapiés-La Latina, with two theatre halls with the most tradition. On the one hand the sala Mirador, with its continuous training project led by Cristina Rota and the Botto brothers, and on the other, the Barrio Theatre (formerly Triángulo), which mixes politics and scenic art, and to which Alberto San Juan has raised the concept of cultural cooperative. We present below halls like El umbral de primavera, with Argentine flavour, La puerta estrecha, space to dream, the Arte Theatre, with contemporary works, committed and quality, the Mínima Espacio Escénico hall, place of investigation and creation. Towards Tirso de Molina, we find the hall La escalera de Jacob, with magic, comedy, improvisation, and in La Latina, there is the Nada hall, purely American "off" theater, the renewed Teatro de las Aguas, and Off de La Latina, where the theatre, the dance and the music have place.

In the area of Embajadores, within a radius of 500 meters, we have nothing less than five spaces of creation, the Cuarta Pared room, which has come a long and long way from the 80's to our days with remarkable success, in the training of professionals, the Lagrada Theatre, school and stage theatre and exhibition space. La Usina, on its tenth anniversary. Nave 73, with an incipient creation work. The Caja del Terror, fusion of fantasy and fear, and finally the Mayko room, with the hand of the photographer May Fernández.

As you can see the offer is very wide, and there are a number of rooms that are not in the centre of Madrid, but which are worthy of mention, such as the Replika room, where taught interpretation classes, united with the creation and theatrical research. The historic Pradillo room, reinvented, with varied offer of children's theatre, dance and festivals. Further away we find the rooms salas Arte y Desmayo, El Montacargas and Tarambana, revitalizing the scenic culture in the popular neighbourhood of Carabanchel.