Wine tourism experiences in Madrid

Enjoy first class wine tourism experiences in the Region of Madrid, where the only European capital that has its own Designation of Origin, Wines of Madrid, is located.

If we look at the wine regions in the Region of Madrid, we can find 4: Subzone Arganda, Subzone El Molar, Subzone Navalcarnero and Subzone San Martin de Valdeiglesias.

Here, we bring you numerous wine tourism experiences in Madrid in two of them, Arganda and San Martín de Valdeiglesias.

The Arganda area is located in the southeast of the region, it is the largest of the 4 subzones and offers the possibility of different wine experiences, such as visits to wineries, tastings, designing your own wine, treading grapes or taking a train ride.

Likewise, San Martín de Valdeiglesias is located in the westernmost area of the Madrid region and offers activities ranging from tastings or visits to wineries to horseback riding.

More information: Wine tourism experiences in Madrid

Image: ©Grape bunch