Grandes rutas en la Sierra Norte de Madrid


Autumn tinges our paths, forests and mountains with its palette of brown and mahogany. Do you dare to go out and discover them? Here we recommend some of the best routes in the Sierra Norte de Madrid.

The most popular hiking route format is usually a day hike, which allows you to explore an area and discover its paths and routes during the day. However, for nature enthusiasts, our region is home to some routes designed to last more than a day - quite an adventure!

This is the case of the Camino de Mendocino, a route that runs along part of the western route to Santiago, crossing parts of the area bordering Guadalajara and Madrid. It is a 30 km route that starts in Uceda and reaches Guadalix de la Sierra, passing through villages such as Torrelaguna, Torremocha de Jarama and Redueña. The name originates from the old dominion of these lands by the Mendoza family.

The Lozoya Valley Nature Trail stretches for 39 km and starts in Rascafría and reaches Buitrago del Lozoya. It is a perfect route for walking or cycling and discovering the secrets of this valley, which contains numerous hidden hermitages, centuries-old pine forests and monuments such as the Puente del Perdón (Forgiveness Bridge) in Rascafría.

Before the arrival of the snows, if you want to do some mountain hiking, don't miss the Transcarpetana route, which crosses the Montes Carpetanos mountain range and the Peñalara Massif. This is a route that does not offer any points to spend the night or refuel, so it is recommended to come fully equipped for a journey of more than 68 km. We recommend starting the route in the town of Somosierra and reaching Peñalara from there, crossing the Puerto de Navafría pass.

The Senda del Genaro, included in the Network of Green Trails in our region, runs for 70 km in the vicinity of the Atazar reservoir. The path unravels the hydraulic past and present around the reservoir, with machinery associated with the reservoir. It also crosses livestock trails and the route has a high ethnographic and environmental value.

There are even more routes in the Sierra Norte, all of which can be done during this time of year. Check all the information, the length, the services offered by each route, as well as its difficulty and recommendations.

Come out and discover our Sierra Norte!


More information: Great routes in Sierra Norte de Madrid

Image credits: Valle del Jarama © Juan Antonio Martinez. Shutterstock